I'm Eric and this is my blog about music and stating healthy, I'll also try and cover some finance stuff too!
Thanks for coming to my blog everyone. My name is Eric and I'm here to help spread the word about music, health and using savvy tips to manage ones money efficiently. Let's start by talking about staying healthy. Here are my top tips for stating healthy in the mad mad world in 2020.
1. Don’t drink sugar calories
2. Eat nuts
3. Avoid processed junk food (eat real food instead)
4. Don’t fear coffee
5. Eat fatty fish
6. Get enough sleep
7. Take care of your gut health with probiotics and fiber
8. Drink some water, especially before meals
9. Don’t overcook or burn your meat
10. Avoid bright lights before sleep
11. Take vitamin D3 if you don’t get much sun exposure
12. Eat vegetables and fruits
13. Make sure to eat enough protein
14. Do some cardio
15. Don’t smoke or do drugs, and only drink in moderation
16. Use extra virgin olive oil
17. Minimize your sugar intake
18. Don’t eat a lot of refined carbs
19. Don’t fear saturated fat
20. Lift heavy things
21. Avoid artificial trans fats
22. Use plenty of herbs and spices
23. Take care of your relationships
Now I know that's quite a list to follow and no one is expecting you to do everything on that list but even if you do a few you'll be well on your way to a more healthy lifestyle.
Another option for staying health for those that can afford it is buying a private health insurance policy. Private medical care is far better than the UK's national health service simply because of the pressure its been under over recent years. The first thing to do is find a health insurance broker from this list. Once you've found a private health insurance broker you like the look of give them a call. Private medical insurance is a must if you care about your health.
Music is another option for staying healthy. Here's how it can help,
Music decreases pain
Music has a unique ability to help with pain management, as I found in my own experience with giving birth. In a 2013 study, sixty people diagnosed with fibromyalgia—a disease characterized by severe musculoskeletal pain—were randomly assigned to listen to music once a day over a four-week period. In comparison to a control group, the group that listened to music experienced significant pain reduction and fewer depressive symptoms.
Music may improve immune functioning
Can listening to music actually help prevent disease? Some researchers think so.
Wilkes University researchers looked at how music affects levels of IgA—an important antibody for our immune system’s first line of defense against disease. Undergraduate students had their salivary IgA levels measured before and after 30 minutes of exposure to one of four conditions—listening to a tone click, a radio broadcast, a tape of soothing music, or silence.
Those students exposed to the soothing music had significantly greater increases in IgA than any of the other conditions, suggesting that exposure to music (and not other sounds) might improve innate immunity.
Music helps us exercise
How many of us listen to rock and roll or other upbeat music while working out? It turns out that research supports what we instinctively feel: music helps us get a more bang for our exercise buck.
At the risk of oversimplifying things. These are the two main things to do to stay healthy so if you take anything away let it be to two points below.
1. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Keeping your weight in check is often easier said than done, but a few simple tips can help. First off, if you’re overweight, focus initially on not gaining any more weight.
This by itself can improve your health. Then, when you’re ready, try to take off some extra pounds for an even greater health boost. To see where you fall on the weight range, click here.
Integrate physical activity and movement into your life.
Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Choose smaller portions and eat more slowly.
For Parents and Grandparents
Limit children’s TV and computer time.
Encourage healthy snacking on fruits and vegetables.
Encourage activity during free time.
2. Exercise Regularly
Few things are as good for you as regular physical activity. While it can be hard to find the time, it’s important to fit in at least 30 minutes of activity every day. More is even better, but any amount is better than none.
Choose activities you enjoy.
Many things count as exercise, including walking, gardening and dancing.
Make exercise a habit by setting aside the same time for it each day.
Try going to the gym at lunchtime or taking a walk regularly after dinner.
Stay motivated by exercising with someone.